Posts tagged Tag Post
The Beauty Lover Tag

I was tagged by both Celina of The Celution & Faith of That's Just Fabulous to do this Beauty Lover Tag. There isn't actually a question about why exactly you love beauty, but I thought I'd just share a quick bit about why I do. Makeup - it's something that has have fascinated me for so long and as a kid I was always excited about one day being able to use it. I've always loved makeup and now as I'm in my mid-20s I'm finally learning what my beauty style is. And I'm open to letting that change. Teenage me would picture the bold eyeshadows, but current me is all about that perfect cat-eye, lipsticks, and lightly enhancing what I've got. Applying makeup is something I very much enjoy doing everyday, more or less a morning ritual. It's the best 10 minutes to myself to get ready for the day.

Keep reading to see my take on beauty lovin':

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BeautyCindy YueTag Post
Caught Me Blushing' (Pt. 2)

Divya of The Conscience Fund tagged me to do this blush tag post! And looking back, I actually did this post back in July when I was tagged by Hao, but I've decided to do this again for two reasons: 1 - I've picked up a hell of a lot of new products in the past half year. and 2 - my preferences change because I've changed. Yeah, it's pretty apparent that I have a problem.

Let's get on with the tag, shall we?

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